Time Tested Books is proud to announce a talk and signing by Chuck Durrett, author of CoHousing: A Contemporary Approach To Housing Ourselves and most recently Senior CoHousing Handbook, on Thursday, July 9 at 7 pm.
A leading cohousing architect, Durrett has won numerous awards, including the United Nations World Habitat Award and the Best of 50+ Housing Award (National Home Builders Assoc. 2008). Durrett is credited with coining the term ‘cohousing’ and together with wife and professional partner, Kathryn McCamant, introduced cohousing projects to America.
Chuck’s visit to Time Tested will be right after his involvement with the International Cohousing Summit at the University of Washington, Seattle and the 2009 National Cohousing Conference, also in Seattle.
Chuck's books will be available at the event. The talk is free.
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