Time Tested Books welcomes Jaimal Yogis, author of Saltwater Buddha: A Surfer's Quest to Find Zen on the Sea, for a book talk and signing on Wednesday, July 15.
Tired of with his Sacramento suburban teenage life, Jaimal Yogis ditched to Hawaii with a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and enough cash for a surfboard. In Saltwater Buddha he recounts his journey, a coming-of-age saga that takes him from communes to monasteries and the icy New York shore. Saltwater Buddha has earned praise from Publisher’s Weekly and The Huffington Post, as well as Mixed Martial Arts champ Urijah Faber and the Yoga Journal’s Karen Macklin. To say Jaimal's writing has broad appeal would be an understatement! Saltwater Buddha is published by Wisdom Publications.
Saltwater Buddha will be available at the bookstore. The talk is free.
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