Time Tested Book’s poetry series continues with an October 18 reading by Julia Connor and Joshua McKinney.
Julia Connor began study at the Poetics Program of New College of California in San Francisco at the age of forty., where she studied with poets Robert Duncan, Diane di Prima, and David Meltzer. Since 1988, she has taught poetry in a wide variety of situations from Graduate MFA Programs such as Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics to State Prisons. Her teaching has taken her every place from Martha's Vineyard to Sussex, England. A life-long protégée of renowned potter, poet, and educator, M.C. Richards, author of Centering in Poetry, Pottery and Person, she now serves as Ms Richards literary executor. She was named Poet Laureate of Sacramento in April of 2005.
Joshua McKinney is a professor of English at California State University - Sacramento, where he won the 2008 President’s Award for Research and Creativity, for “his accomplishments in the field of poetry. His book Saunter won the University of Georgia Press Contemporary Poetry Series Competition for 2001. He has published in American Letters & Commentary, Colorado Review, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere.
We are very happy to host this dynamic pair of poets. The event is on Sunday, October 18, 2009, 7 pm
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