
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mason Gizard reading & signing 'Dad in a Day' - June 6th

    Time Tested Books
is proud to present
Mason Gizard
Reading & signing his new book
Dad in a Day:  When My Mom's Kids Became My Own 
Tuesday June 6th at 7:00pm 

The human spirit can take a lot of hits before it breaks; some more than others. Mason Gizard's story is one of heart break and strength; chaos and focus; aloneness and community. His life is unbelievable but so is his courage to untangle the dysfunction he inherited upon his mother's death.

Dad in A Day pulls the reader into the middle of a heartbreaking story of loss, turmoil and triumph while inspiring you to notice the stories of those around you. Mason Gizard shares his family's
story in a beautiful and challenging voice that will create not only an empathy for those coming from extremely difficult circumstances but a desire to actually do something to help.

About the Author:

Mason’s mission is to help people discover life beyond their crisis. Mason has firsthand experience being homeless as a youth and living as a foster child. He also became the caretaker of his teenage siblings and his one-year-old niece when he was 20 years old after his mom died, in 2008. Currently, he works with homeless youth in the Sacramento region. He also speaks at schools all over the world sharing his story of growing up in the foster care system and being a homeless youth, and most of all, sharing how he was able to rise above his circumstances. He is an advocate of mentoring young people and focuses much of his work on prevention. Mason now serves as the Director of RiseAbove, a program helping foster and homeless youth. Having a unique perspective of someone who was in foster care and had a good experience, as well as being a former “kindafoster parent” to his siblings, rising above the challenges of youth homelessness. Now being a provider to foster, and homeless youth he has an invaluable expertise that helps guide the vision and mission of RiseAbove. Mason is available for bookings. He speaks to youth and adults alike. For more information and continued resources, visit
This event is FREE and everyone is welcome.

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